Fake News Detection using Machine Learning


  • Bhuvaneshwari BK Shridevi Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Monika P
  • Monisha P
  • Girish L
  • Basavesha D




Machine Learning


Fake News has become one of the major problem in the society. It is due to its ability to
change opinions and cause lot of social and national damage with destructive impacts. Sometimes it gets very difficult to know if the news is genuine or fake. Therefore it is very
important to detect if the news is fake or not. The proposed project uses NLP techniques and
Machine Learning to create models which can help to detect fake news. The datasets in the
comma separated values format, different attributes like the title and text of the news
headline/article were used to perform Fake News Detection. The results show that the
proposed solution performs well in terms of providing an output with good accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score. So the proposed project uses datasets that are trained using count
vectorizer method for the detection of fake news and its accuracy will be tested using


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How to Cite

BK, B., Monika P, Monisha P, L, G., & Basavesha D. (2024). Fake News Detection using Machine Learning. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation, 5(5). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10509258