International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation <p>International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation - IJASI is a open access and double blind peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish a wide range of innovative research articles in the field of engineering and technology.</p> <p>Scientists and engineers involved in research can make the most of this growing global forum to publish papers covering their original research or extended versions of already published conference/journal papers, scholarly journals, academic articles, etc.</p> <p>The journal editorial board welcomes manuscripts in both fundamental and applied research areas and encourages submissions which contribute novel and innovative insights to the field of engineering sciences. </p> <p> All submitted articles considered suitable for IJASI are subjected to peer review to ensure the highest levels of quality. The review process is carried out as quickly as possible to minimize any delays in the online publication of articles.</p> <p>In the area of research and innovation, each day we passionately push the limits of science and engineering by regularly publishing state-of-art peer reviewed research content.</p> <p><strong>Aim &amp; Scope:</strong></p> <p>IJASI is an international online journal in English published every Monthly. This academic journal and scholarly peer reviewed journal is an online journal having full access to the research and review paper. IJASI hopes that Researchers, Research scholars, Academician, Industrialists, Consultancy etc. would make use of this journal publication for the development of science and technology.</p> <p>IJASI makes genuine contributions in the field of Science and Engineering research by publishing trusted, Technical and scientific articles exploring continuously in the field of engineering and scientific technology. IJASI preserves every article published in order to help both current and upcoming research scholars.</p> <p><strong>Submit your article: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong>: <strong>12 issues per year.</strong></p> <p><strong>Subject: Engineering &amp; Technology</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 2584-8436</strong></p> <p><strong>Published By: Innovative Scientific Research Publisher</strong></p> en-US (Editor) (IJASI- Support) Fri, 16 Feb 2024 13:49:23 +0000 OJS 60 CYBER CRIME : A Review <p><strong><em>Cybercrime, a broad category of illicit activities conducted via computer networks and the internet, spans a spectrum of malicious behaviours. These include disrupting network operations, stealing sensitive data, hacking into bank systems for financial gain, perpetrating various forms of fraud, distributing child pornography, trafficking in illicit materials, stealing intellectual property, committing identity theft, and violating privacy rights. The repercussions of cybercrime ripple far beyond mere financial losses. They manifest in economic disruption, as cyberattacks can cripple businesses, disrupt supply chains, and destabilize financial markets. Moreover, victims of cybercrime often endure psychological distress, experiencing anxiety, fear, and a sense of violation due to the invasion of their privacy and loss of control over personal information. Collaboration and partnerships between governments, law enforcement agencies, industry stakeholders, and civil society organizations are crucial. By sharing intelligence, resources, and best practices, these entities can enhance their collective ability to combat cyber threats effectively.cybercrime presents a multifaceted challenge that demands a comprehensive response. By implementing a combination of cybersecurity measures, legal frameworks, educational initiatives, and collaborative efforts, stakeholders can work together to mitigate risks, safeguard individuals and businesses, and uphold security and trust in the digital realm.</em></strong></p> Somesh Kumar Copyright (c) 2024 Somesh Kumar Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000